Notifications: detailed information

To get detailed information about specified notifications, use the command resource/get_notification_data:



Name Description
itemId resource ID
col array of notifications IDs


		"id":<long>,	/* notification ID */
		"n":<text>,	/* name */
		"txt":<text>,	/* text of notification */
		"ta":<uint>,	/* activation time (UNIX format) */
		"td":<uint>,	/* deactivation time (UNIX format) */
		"ma":<uint>,	/* maximal alarms count (0 - unlimited) */
		"mmtd":<uint>,	/* maximal time interval between messages (seconds) */
		"cdt":<uint>,	/* timeout of alarm (seconds) */
		"mast":<uint>,	/* minimal duration of alert state (seconds) */
		"mpst":<uint>,	/* minimal duration of previous state (seconds) */
		"cp":<uint>,	/* period of control relative to current time (seconds) */
		"fl":<uint>,	/* notification flags (see below) */
		"tz":<uint>,	/* timezone */
		"la":<text>,	/* user language (two-lettered code) */
		"ac":<uint>,	/* alarms count */
		"sch":{		/* time limitation */
			"f1":<uint>,	/* beginning of interval 1 (minutes from midnight) */
			"f2":<uint>,	/* beginning of interval 2 (minutes from midnight) */
			"t1":<uint>,	/* ending of interval 1 (minutes from midnight) */
			"t2":<uint>,	/* ending of interval 2 (minutes from midnight) */
			"m":<uint>,	/* days of month mask [1: 2^0, 31: 2^30] */
			"y":<uint>,	/* months mask [Jan: 2^0, Dec: 2^11] */
			"w":<uint>	/* days of week mask [Mon: 2^0, Sun: 2^6] */
		"ctrl_sch":{	/* maximal alarms count intervals shedule */
			"f1":<uint>,	/* beginning of interval 1 (minutes from midnight) */
			"f2":<uint>,	/* beginning of interval 2 (minutes from midnight) */
			"t1":<uint>,	/* ending of interval 1 (minutes from midnight) */
			"t2":<uint>,	/* ending of interval 2 (minutes from midnight) */
		 	"m":<uint>,	/* days of month mask [1: 2^0, 31: 2^30] */
		 	"y":<uint>,	/* months mask [Jan: 2^0, Dec: 2^11] */
		 	"w":<uint>	/* days of week mask [Mon: 2^0, Sun: 2^6] */
		"un":[<long>],	/* array units/unit groups ID's */
		"act":[			/* actions */
				"t":<text>,		/* action type (see below) */
				"p":{			/* parameters */
					"blink": <text>,	/* mini-map blinking when triggered */ 
					"color": <text>,	/* online notification color */
					"url": <text>,		/* url of sound */
		"trg":{			/* control */
			"t":<text>,		/* control type (see below) */
			"p":{			/* parameters */
				<text>:<text>,		/* parameter name: value */
		"ct":<uint>,        /* creation time */
		"mt":<uint>         /* last modification time */

Notification flags:

Flag Description
0x0 notification triggers for first message
0x1 notification triggers for every message
0x2 notification is disabled

For notifications of the Off time control type, the value of the mast parameter specified in seconds must correspond to the value of the min_idle_time parameter specified in minutes. Thus, if you want the notification to be triggered after 10 minutes of off time, specify 10 for min_idle_time and 600 for mast.

Action types

Notify by e-mail

	"t":"email",		/* action type */
		"email_to":<text>,	/* e-mail address */
		"html":<text>,		/* use HTML tags: 0 - no, 1 - yes  */
		"img_attach":<text>,	/* attach image from notification: 1 - yes, 0 - no */
		"subj":<text>		/* text of message */

Notify by SMS

	"t":"sms",		/* action type */
		"phones":<text>		/* list of phone numbers (semicolon-separated) */

Display online notification in a popup window

	"t":"message",		/* action type */
		"color":<text>,		/* notification color */
		"name":<text>,		/* notification name */
		"url":<text>		/* URL-address to notification sound */

Send mobile notification

	"t":"mobile_apps",		/* action type */
		"apps":"{\"<text>\":[	/* mobile app name */
				<uint>	/* user id */

Send a request

	"t":"push_messages",	/* action type */
		"url":<text>,		/* server name (port may be defined), start it with "http(s)" */
		"get":<bool>		/* request type: 1 - GET, 0 - POST */		

Send notification to Telegram

	"t":"messenger_messages",	/* action type */
		"chat_id":<text>,		/* channel ID in Telegram */
		"token":<text>		/* user token in Telegram */		

Register event for unit

	"t":"event",		/* action type */
		"flags":<text>		/* register as: 0 - event, 1 - violation */

Execute a command

	"t":"exec_cmd",		/* action type */
		"cmd_type":<text>,	/* command type */
		"link":<text>,		/* link type */
		"name":<text>,		/* command name */
		"param":<text>		/* parameters */

:!: You can see list of available command type here List of available commands

Upload video

{"t":"video_service", /* action type */
"p":{ /* optional */
"channel_mask":int, /* camera mask, by default from unit's properties "video_channel_mask" */
"duration":long, /* video duration, by default - 60 sec */

Change access to units

	"t":"user_access",	/* action type */
		"acl_bits":<text>,	/* 1 - set bit, 0 - remove bit */
		"acl_mask":<text>,	/* mask of bits which must be changed */
		"units":<text>,		/* list of units IDs (comma-separated) */
		"users":<text>		/* list of users IDs (comma-separated) */

Set counter value

	"t":"counter",		/* action type */
		"engine_hours":<text>,	/* engine hours counter value */
		"flags":<text>,		/* counter flags (see below) */
		"mileage":<text>,	/* mileage counter value */
		"traffic":<text>	/* GPRS traffic counter value */

Counter flags:

  • 1 - set mileage counter value
  • 2 - set engine hours counter value
  • 4 - set GPRS traffic counter value

Store counter value as parameter

	"t":"store_counter",		/* action type */
		"engine_hours":<text>,		/* name of parameter for engine hours counter */
		"flags":<text>,			/* flags (see below) */
		"mileage":<text>		/* name of parameter for mileage counter */


  • 1 - store mileage counter value as parameter
  • 2 - store engine hours counter value as parameter

Register unit status

	"t":"status",		/* action type */
		"ui_text":<text>	/* status */

Modify unit groups

	"t":"group_manipulation",	/* action type */
		"add_to":<text>,		/* add to specified groups */
		"remove_from":<text>		/* exclude from specified groups */

Send a report by e-mail

	"t":"email_report",	/* action type */
		"email_to":<text>,		/* e-mail address */
		"file_type":<text>,		/* file format (see below) */
		"flags":<text>,			/* interval flags */
		"params":<text>,		/* report configuration (xml) */
		"report_guid":<text>,		/* resource ID */
		"report_id":<text>,		/* template ID */
		"report_object_guid":<text>,	/* ID of item for report */
		"report_object_id":<text>,	/* ID of subitem (0 - if report executed for item) */
		"time_from":<text>,		/* beginning of time interval */
		"time_to":<text>		/* ending of time interval */

Interval flags are described in the chapter Reports: Execute report.

File formats:

  • 1 - html;
  • 2 - pdf;
  • 4 - xls;
  • 8 - xlsx;
  • 16 - xml;
  • 32 - csv.

Create a round

	"t":"route_control",	/* action type */
		"description":<text>,	/* description */
		"expiration":<text>,	/* expiration date */
		"flags":<text>,		/* round flags*/
		"name":<text>,		/* name */
		"route":<text>,		/* route ID */
		"schedule":<text>	/* schedule ID */

Round flags are described in the chapter Round information.

Reset driver

	"t":"drivers_reset",	/* action type */

Reset trailer

	"t":"trailers_reset",	/* action type */

Control types

Geofence control

	"t":"geozone",		/* control type */
		"sensor_type":<text>,		/* sensor type */
		"sensor_name_mask":<text>,	/* sensor name mask */
		"lower_bound":<uint>,		/* sensor value from */
		"upper_bound":<uint>,		/* sensor value to */
		"prev_msg_diff":<uint>, 	/* this flag allows to form boundaries for the current value according to previous value(prev) in such a way: [prev+lower_bound ; prev+upper_bound] -- so boundaries for current value is always relative to previous value; 0 - disable this option, 1 - enable option */
		"merge":<uint>,			/* similar sensors: 0 - calculate separately, 1 - sum up values */
		"reversed":<uint>,		/* trigger: 0 - in specified range, 1 - out of specified range */
		"geozone_ids":<text>,		/* list of geofences IDs (comma-separated) */
		"type":<uint>,			/* check type: 0 - control entries to a geofence, 1 - control exits from a geofence */
		"min_speed":<uint>,		/* minimal speed, km/h */
		"max_speed":<uint>,		/* maximal speed, km/h */
		"include_lbs":<uint>,		/* process LBS messages: 1 - yes, 0 - no  */
		"lo":<text>			/* logic operator (optional): "AND", "OR" */

Address control

	"t":"address",		/* control type */
		"sensor_type":<text>,		/* sensor type */
		"sensor_name_mask":<text>,	/* sensor name mask */
		"lower_bound":<uint>,		/* sensor value from */
		"upper_bound":<uint>,		/* sensor value to */
		"prev_msg_diff":<uint>, 	/* this flag allows to form boundaries for the current value according to previous value(prev) in such a way: [prev+lower_bound ; prev+upper_bound] -- so boundaries for current value is always relative to previous value; 0 - disable this option, 1 - enable option */
		"merge":<uint>,			/* similar sensors: 0 - calculate separately, 1 - sum up values */
		"reversed":<uint>,		/* trigger: 0 - in specified range, 1 - out of specified range */
		"radius":<uint>,		/* радиус срабатывания */ 
		"type":<uint>,			/* check type: 0 - control in address radius, 1 - control out of adress radius */
		"min_speed":<uint>,		/* minimal speed, km/h */
		"max_speed":<uint>,		/* maximal speed, km/h */
		"country":<text>,		/* country */
		"region":<text>,		/* region */
		"city":<text>,			/* city */
		"street":<text>,		/* street */
		"house":<text>,			/* house */
		"include_lbs":<uint>		/* process LBS messages: 1 - yes, 0 - no  */

Speed control

	"t":"speed",		/* control type */
		"lower_bound":<text>,	/* sensor value from */
		"max_speed":<text>,	/* maximal speed, km/h */
		"merge":<text>,		/* similar sensors: 0 - calculate separately, 1 - sum up values */
		"min_speed":<text>,	/* minimal speed, km/h */
		"prev_msg_diff":<text>, /* this flag allows to form boundaries for the current value according to previous value(prev) in such a way: [prev+lower_bound ; prev+upper_bound] -- so boundaries for current value is always relative to previous value; 0 - disable this option, 1 - enable option */
		"reversed":<text>,	/* trigger: 0 - in specified range, 1 - out of specified range */
		"sensor_name_mask":<text>,	/* sensor name mask */
		"sensor_type":<text>,	/* sensor type */
		"upper_bound":<text>	/* sensor value to */

Alarm button trigger

	"t":"alarm",		/* control type */

Digital input activation/deactivation

	"t":"digital_input",	/* control type */
		"input_index":<text>,	/* digital input (1-32) */
		"type":<text>  		/* check type: 0 - check for activation, 1 - check for deactivation */

Message parameter control

	"t":"msg_param",	/* control type */
		"kind":<text>,		/* type of parameter control */
		"lower_bound":<text>,	/* parameter value from */
		"param":<text>,		/* parameter name */
		"text_mask":<text>,	/* text mask */
		"type":<text>,		/* trigger: 0 - trigger in specified range, 1 - trigger out of specified range */
		"upper_bound":<text>	/* parameter value to */

Types of parameter control:

  • 0 - value range,
  • 1 - text mask,
  • 2 - parameter availability,
  • 3 - parameter lack.

Sensor value control

	"t":"sensor_value",		/* control type */
		"lower_bound":<text>,		/* sensor value from */
		"merge":<text>,			/* similar sensors: 0 - calculate separately, 1 - sum up values */
		"prev_msg_diff":<text>,         /* this flag allows to form boundaries for the current value according to previous value(prev) in such a way: [prev+lower_bound ; prev+upper_bound] -- so boundaries for current value is always relative to previous value; 0 - disable this option, 1 - enable option */
		"sensor_name_mask":<text>,	/* sensor name mask */
		"sensor_type":<text>,		/* sensor type */
		"type":<text>,			/* trigger: 0 - in specified range, 1 - out of specified range */
		"upper_bound":<text>		/* sensor value to */

Connection or coordinates loss

	"t":"outage",		/* control type */
		"time":<text>,		/* time interval, sec */
		"type":<text>,		/* control type: 0 - coordinates loss, 1 - connection loss */
		"include_lbs":<uint>,	/* process LBS messages: 1 - yes, 0 - no  */
		"check_restore":<uint>,	/* notify when: 0 - connection loss, 1 - connection lost and restored, 2 - connection restored */
		"geozones_type":<text>, /* control type: 0 - out of geofence, 1 - in geofence */ 
		"geozones_list":<text>  /* geofences ID's list, separated by comma */

Off time

	"t":"speed",		/* control type */
		"lower_bound":<text>,		/* sensor value from */
		"max_speed":<text>,		/* maximum speed, km/h */
		"merge":<text>,			/* similar sensors: 0 - calculate separately, 1 - sum up values */
		"min_idle_time":<text>,		/* minimum idle time, min */
		"min_speed":<text>,		/* minimum speed, km/h */
		"prev_msg_diff":<text>,         /* this flag allows to form boundaries for the current value according to previous value(prev) in such a way: [prev+lower_bound ; prev+upper_bound] -- so boundaries for current value is always relative to previous value; 0 - disable this option, 1 - enable option */
		"reversed":<text>,		/* trigger: 0 - in specified range, 1 - out of specified range */
		"sensor_name_mask":<text>,	/* sensor name mask */
		"sensor_type":<text>,		/* sensor type */
		"upper_bound":<text>,		/* sensor value to */
		"geozones_type":<text>, 	/* control type: 0 - out of geofence, 1 - in geofence */ 
		"geozones_list":<text>  	/* geofences ID's list, separated by comma */

The value of the min_idle_time parameter specified in minutes must correspond to the value of the mast parameter specified in seconds. Thus, if you want the notification to be triggered after 10 minutes of idling, specify 10 for min_idle_time and 600 for mast.

SMS control

	"t":"sms",		/* control type */
		"mask":<text>		/* SMS text mask */

Interposition of units

	"t":"interposition",		/* control type */
		"sensor_name_mask":<text>,	/* sensor name mask */
		"sensor_type":<text>,		/* sensor type */
		"lower_bound":<text>,		/* sensor value from */
		"upper_bound":<text>		/* sensor value to */
		"merge":<text>,			/* similar sensors: 0 - calculate separately, 1 - sum up values */
		"max_speed":<text>,		/* maximal speed, km/h */
		"min_speed":<text>,		/* minimal speed, km/h */
		"reversed":<text>,		/* trigger: 0 - in specified range, 1 - out of specified range */
		"prev_msg_diff":<text>,         /* this flag allows to form boundaries for the current value according to previous value(prev) in such a way: [prev+lower_bound ; prev+upper_bound] -- so boundaries for current value is always relative to previous value; 0 - disable this option, 1 - enable option */
		"radius":<text>,		/* radius, m */
		"type":<text>,			/* check type: 0 - control approaching to units, 1 - control moving away from units */
		"unit_guids":<text>,		/* IDs of control units (comma-separated) */
		"include_lbs":<uint>,		/* process LBS messages: 1 - yes, 0 - no  */
		"lo":<text>			/* logic operator (optional): "AND", "OR" */

Excess of messages

	"t":"msgs_counter",		/* control type */
		"flags":<text>,			/* message type: 1 - data messages, 2 - SMS messages */
		"msgs_limit":<text>,		/* messages limit */
		"time_offset":<text>		/* reset counter each (limit 24h), sec */

Route control

	"t":"route_control",		/* control type */
		"mask":<text>,			/* route name mask */
		"round_mask":<text>,		/* round name mask */
		"schedule_mask":<text>,		/* schedule name mask */
		"types":<text>			/* types of route control (comma-separated) */

Types of route control:

  • 1 - round started;
  • 2 - round finished;
  • 4 - round aborted;
  • 8 - arrival at check point;
  • 16 - check point skipped;
  • 32 - departure from check point;
  • 64 - delay;
  • 128 - outrunning;
  • 256 - return to schedule.

Driver control

	"t":"driver",		/* control type */
		"driver_code_mask":<text>,	/* driver code mask */
		"flags":<text>			/* control type: 1 - driver assignment,  2 - driver reset */

Trailer control

"trg": {
	"t": "trailer",		/* control type */
	"p": {
		"driver_code_mask": <text>,	/* trailer code mask */
		"flags": <text>			/* control type: 1 - trailer binding, 2 - trailer unbinding */


	"t":"service_intervals",	/* control type */
		"days":<text>,			/* days interval */
		"engine_hours":<text>,		/* engine hours interval, h */
		"flags":<text>,			/* maintenance control flags */
		"mask":<text>,			/* wildcard based mask */
		"mileage":<text>,		/* mileage interval, km */
		"val":<text>			/* notify when: 1 - service term approaches:, -1 - service term is expired: */

Maintenance control flags:

  • 0 - control all service intervals,
  • 1 - mileage interval,
  • 2 - engine hours interval,
  • 4 - days interval.
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