In order to use optimization while executing orders use order/optimize:
svc=order/optimize¶ms={"itemId":<long>, "orders":[<uint>,{JSOn},...], "warehouses":[<uint>], "units":[<uint>], "flags":<uint>, "gis":{ "provider":<uint>, "addPoints":<uint>, "speed":<uint>, "mode":<text>, "avoid":<text>, "departure_time":<uint>, "traffic_model":<text>, "transit_mode":<text>, "transit_routing_preference":<text> }, "busyRoutes":{ "<uint>":[ { "tf":<uint>, "tt":<uint>, "pf":{<uint> || {JSON}}, "pt":{<uint> || {JSON} }, ... ] }, "addPoints":<bool>, "priority":{<uint>:{<uint>:<uint>},...}, "criterions":{<text>:<uint>,...}, "preference":{<uint>:<uint>,...} // DEPRECATED }
Param | Description |
itemId | resource id |
orders | optimized orders array (orders indexes/orders JSON delimited with comma) |
warehouses | warehouses array |
flags | optimization flags |
gis | gis settings |
busyRoutes | busy period, next index |
tf | busy period start time |
tt | busy period end time |
pf | busy period start location: order id or JSON |
pt | busy period end location: order id or JSON |
provider | maps source: 0 - none, 1 - Gurtam Maps(default), 2 - Google |
mode | transport: driving, walking, bicycling or transit (only for google provider) |
avoid | restrictions to the route: tolls, highways, ferries and/or indoor (only for google provider) |
departure_time | take into account the order interval for the traffic_model option: 0 - no, 1 - yes (only for google provider) |
traffic_model | assumptions: best_guess, pessimistic or optimistic (only for google provider) |
transit_mode | preferred modes: bus, subway, train, tram and/or rail (only for google provider) |
transit_routing_preference | preferences for transit requests (only for google provider) |
addPoints | return track in response: 1 - yes, 0 - no |
speed | speed for optimization, km/h(60 on default) |
units | units array |
priority | order of orders: {unit index:{order index:expected index of order in a route}} (index equal to -1 will fix this order as last in a route) |
criterions | route completion criterions: max_mileage - maximum mileage, m; max_duration - maximum duration, sec; max_order_count - maximum orders count; max_idling - maximum idle time between orders, sec; split_intervals - if 1, then split based on intervals (if the execution time of the order with unloading and moving, misses the next order time interval) |
preference | DEPRECATED: order priority in route |
JSON format is the same as in Update order request.
More about Google provider settings.
Flag | Description |
0x1 | optimize by order schedule (order tf и tt params are used) |
0x2 | optimize by all orders completion duration |
0x20 | optimization by carrying capacity(weight) |
0x40 | optimization by effective capacity(volume) |
0x80 | optimize only orders with tt > current time; if tf < current time, then tf = current time |
If criterions are exceed: | |
0x100 | order is terminated |
0x200 | added visit reload warehouse |
0x300 | route split to several |
0x400 | split to independent route |
0x1000 | without optimization |
0x2000 | calculate predict distance |
{ "1":{ /* 1st units optimization */ "orders":[ { "ml":<uint>, /* mileage */ "tm":<uint>, /* time to visit order area */ "id":<uint> /* order index in array send in request (starts from 0) */ }, { "ml":<uint>, /* mileage */ "tm":<uint>, /* time to visit order area */ "id":<uint> /* order index in array send in request (starts from 0) */ } ] }, "2":{ /* 2nd unit optimization (if stated unit number is greater than one) */ "orders":[ { "ml":<uint>, /* mileage */ "tm":<uint>, /* time to visit order area */ "id":<uint> /* order index in array send in request (starts from 0) */ }, { "ml":<uint>, /* mileage */ "tm":<uint>, /* time to visit order area */ "id":<uint> /* order index in array send in request (starts from 0) */ } ] }, ..., /* other unit number optimization (if more than two units optimization stated) */ "success":<bool> /* optimization status: 1 - success (there is solution to meet all requirements), 0 - failed */ }
If only warehouse orders were assigned to unit(0x4 flag) - it will not appear in the response.
If route splited to several, it will be routes array in the response.
“p”:<text> - order route, google polyline encoding format