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en:sidebar:remoteapi:apiref:account:update_sub_plans [14/04/2014 08:06]
en:sidebar:remoteapi:apiref:account:update_sub_plans [14/04/2014 10:09]
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-====== Subordinate billing plans ====== 
-To set the list of subplans, which current account can assign, use the command **account/​update_sub_plans**: ​ 
-<code javascript>​ 
-      "​plans":​[<​text>​]} 
-:!: //​Attention!//​\\ Current user can assign only available for him subordinate plans. To assign a billing plan to an account, the current user must have the right to manage this account (see [[../​core/​check_items_billing#​Resources| Access flags: Resources]]). Besides, the current user must be a direct or indirect parent of the account. 
-\\ This command is available to execute if the account already has dealer rights (you may use [[./​update_dealer_rights|account/​update_dealer_rights]] command). 
-===== Parameters ===== 
-^ Name ^ Description ^ 
-| itemId | resource (account) ID | 
-| plans | list of subplans | 
-===== Response ===== 
-{} /* empty object if execution successful, if not - error code */ 
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