Load events into session

To load events for a specified period into session for later processing please use events/load:



Param Description
itemId unit id
ivalType algorithm type (see below)
timeFrom interval start, UNIX-time
timeTo interval end, UNIX-time
type sensors group: lls, sensors, ignition, trips (see here)
filter1 sensor id, 0 - add all sensors according to selected type
selector selector

:!: Using signature with optional selector param is like using both events/load (without selector) and events/get.

:!: If you need to load another pack of events into session please use events/unload first and then execute this method once more.


Value Description
1 history request from timeFrom to timeTo
2 history request of timeFrom number of events from timeTo (forward)
3 history request of timeFrom number of events from timeTo (backward)


			"0":<uint>			/* number of events - counter value updates in history request */
			"<sensor_id1>":<uint>,		/* number of events in history request for specified sensor */
			"<sensor_id2>":<uint>,		/* number of events in history request for specified sensor */
			"<sensor_id3>":<uint>,		/* number of events in history request for specified sensor */
			"0":<uint>			/* number of events in history request for trips */
			},				/* selection results, if selector param was skipped then {}; look at server response in events/get */
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