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This interface allows to retrieve reports from the monitoring system. Only ready report templates can be used. Creating new report templates is impossible here. To generate a report, the function GetReportByID from IWialonConnection interface can be used instead.

Method/Property Parameter Return Value Description
Generate (method)unsigned From,
unsigned To,
long long UnitID,
int TimeZoneOffset,
BSTR* XMLData To generate a report on the server and get it in the form of XML string. Starting and end time (From – To) is indicated in UNIX format, that is in seconds from the 1st of January 1970. Unit ID can be received from the collection of available units. Time zone (TimeZoneOffset) is indicated in seconds, for example, the value for Moscow is 10800, the shift from the prime meridian. The language Lang is indicated like domains (ru, en, etc).
GenerateU (method)int From,
int To,
int UnitID,
int TimeZoneOffset,
BSTR* XMLData The analogue of the function Generate compatible with applications which do not support 64-bit integer numbers. Not available in 64-bit version.
Name (property)BSTR* ReportName To get report name. Not available in 64-bit version.
ReportID (property)long long* ReportID To get report unique ID.
ReportIDU (property)int* ReportID The analogue of the property ReportID compatible with applications which do not support 64-bit integer numbers. Not available in 64-bit version.
ResourceID (property)long long* ResourceID To get the unique ID of the resource where a report template belongs to.
ResourceIDU (property)int* ResourceID The analogue of the property ResourceID compatible with applications which do not support 64-bit integer numbers. Not available in 64-bit version.
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