
The interface containing the description of one message from a unit.

Property Parameter Return Value Description
Timeunsigned* Time To get message time. The time is indicated in UNIX format, that is in seconds beginning from the 1st of January 1970.
TimeUint* TimeThe analogue of the property Time compatible with applications which do not support 64-bit integer numbers. Not available in 64-bit version.
Speedint* Speed To retrieve speed from a message. It is required to check the result of function operation because there can be no speed in a message.
Courseint* Course To get movement direction from a message. It is required to check the result of function operation because there can be no course in a message.
Xdouble* X To get longitude. It is required to check the result of function operation because there can be no location information in a message.
Ydouble* Y To get latitude. It is required to check the result of function operation because there can be no location information in a message.
Zdouble* Z To get altitude. It is required to check the result of function operation because there can be no location information in a message.
TypeBSTR* Type To get message type: SMS, Data, CMD, etc.
udp – message contains location and data such as speed, course, number of satellites, I/O, driver ID.
ud – message contains only data from a device such as I/O and driver ID.
ucr – message contains information about an executed command (command name, parameters, user, link type, connector name, execution time).
us – message contains information about a received SMS message (SMS text, phone number).
evt – message contains location of an event happened.
CountSatsint* CountSatsTo get the number of satellites which is important to estimate coordinates accuracy. If the number is 255, it means satellites are locked successfully but their number is unknown. It can happen if the device used does not send such information in general. It is required to check the result of function operation because there can be no location information in a message.
Paramint NumberIWialonParam **Param To get messages parameter by its number. It is required to check each return value to be in existence (Not Nothing) or check return result (Error).
LocationBSTR* Location To get unit location in the from of address.
ParamCountlong* ParamCount To get the number of parameters in a message.
ParamByNameBSTR ParamNameIWialonParam **Param To get a parameter by its name. It is required to check each return value to be in existence (Not Nothing) or check return result (Error).
SMSTextBSTR* SMS To get SMS text (only for SMS messages).
DriverBSTR* Driver To get driver's name if known.
CMDNameBSTR* CMDName To get command name if known.
CMDParamBSTR* CMDParam To get command parameters if known.
UserGUIDBSTR* UserGUID To get the name the user who executed the command (if known).
LinkNameBSTR* LinkName To get the name of hardware which were used to connect to the unit for command execution (if known).
LinkTypeBSTR* LinkType To get link type (UDP, TCP, GSM) used to execute a command (if known).
ModemPhoneBSTR* ModemPhone To get the number of the modem used to execute a command (if known).
EventTextBSTR* EventText To get event text if there is such.
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