
The interface contains the description of unit groups. To get unit groups collection see IWialonConnection.

Method/Property Parameter Return Value Description
Name (property)BSTR* UnitGroupName To get the name of current unit group.
ID (property)long long* UnitGroupID To get unit group unique ID.
IDU (property)int* UnitGroupID The analogue of the property ID compatible with applications which do not support 64-bit integer numbers. Not available in 64-bit version.
GetUnits (method)IWialonConnection **UnitsCol To get collection of the units in the group.
CheckUnitInGroup (method)long long UnitIDBOOL* UnitInGroupTo check whether a unit with the given ID belongs to the given group.
CheckUnitInGroupU (method)int UnitIDBOOL* UnitInGroup The analogue of the function CheckUnitInGroup compatible with applications which do not support 64-bit integer numbers. Not available in 64-bit version.
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