
Depending on set flags format of response can differ.

This chapter describes flags that can be applied to users and parts of resulting JSON which they are responsible for. If you specify several flags, then parts will be united into one JSON.

:!: All flags are only used in DEC format.

User flags:

Value HEX Value DEC Description
0x00000001 1 base flag
0x00000002 2 custom properties
0x00000004 4 billing properties
0x00000008 8 custom fields
0x00000020 32 messages
0x00000040 64 GUID
0x00000080 128 administrative fields
0x00000100 256 other properties
0x00000200 512 notifications
0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 4611686018427387903 set all possible flags to user

General properties

Flag - 0x00000001

	"nm":<text>,	/* user name */
	"cls":<uint>,	/* superclass ID: "user" */
	"id":<uint>,	/* user ID */
	"mu":<uint>,	/* measure units: 0 - si, 1 - us, 2 - imperial, 3 - metric with gallons */
	"uacl":<uint>	/* current user access level for user*/

Custom properties

Flag - 0x00000002

You can store any user data you need in custom properties. Usually, such settings are user's e-mail, map position after launching etc.

		"cfmt":<text>,		/* coordinates format: "0" - degrees and minutes, "1" - degrees */		
		"email":<text>,		/* user e-mail */
		"msc":<text>,		/* map position after launching: "0" - by default, "1" - saved */
		"poisrv":<text>,	/* render POIs on server */


Flag - 0x00000004

	"crt":<uint>,	/* creator ID */
	"bact":<uint>	/* account ID */

Custom fields

Flag - 0x00000008

	"flds":{		/* custom fields */
		<text>:{		/* sequence number */
			"id":<uint>,		/* ID */
			"n":<text>,		/* name */
			"v":<text>		/* value */
	"fldsmax":<long>		/* maximal count of custom fields (-1 - unlimited) */


Flag - 0x00000020

After setting this flag you can receive messages from unit.



Flag - 0x00000040

	"gd":<text>	/* user GUID */

Administrative fields

Flag - 0x00000080

	"aflds":{	/* administrative fields */		
		<text>:{	/* sequence number */
			"id":<uint>,	/* ID */
			"n":<text>,	/* name */
			"v":<text>	/* value */
	"afldsmax":<long>,	/* maximal count of administrative fields (-1 - unlimited) */

Other properties

Flag - 0x00000100

	"fl":<uint>,	/* user settings flags */
	"hm":<text>,	/* host mask */
	"ld":<uint>,	/* last login time */
	"pfl":<uint>,	/* parent flags */
	    "type":<uint>, 	/* two-factor autentification type */
	    "phone":<text>	/* two-factor autentification type */

The list of user settings flags is given in the chapter Set user settings flags.


Flag - 0x00000200

	"usnf":{	/* user notifications */
		<text>:{		/* sequence number */
			"id":<long>,		/* ID */
			"t":<uint>,		/* lifetime (sec) */
			"d":<text>,		/* text of notification */
			"h":<text>,		/* subject */
			"s":<text>		/* sender */
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