
Here you can see matches between token flags and ACL flags.

:!: All flags are only used in DEC format.

Online tracking

Token flag: 0x100(256)

Access right name Access right flag HEX Access right flag DEC
View item and its basic properties 0x1 1
View detailed item properties 0x2 2
View custom fields 0x20 32
Query reports or messages 0x200 215
View attached files 0x4000 16384
Units and unit groups
View commands 0x400000000 17179869184
Resources (Accounts)
View POIs 0x400000 4194304
View geofences 0x1000000 16777216
View report templates 0x10000000 268435456
View drivers and driver groups 0x40000000 1073741824
View trailers and trailer groups 0x100000000000 17592186044416

View access to most data

Token flag: 0x200(512)

Access right name Access right flag HEX Access right flag DEC
Units and unit groups
View service intervals 0x10000000 268435456
Act as given user (create items, login, etc.) 0x200000 2097152
Resources (Accounts)
View notifications 0x100000 1048576
View jobs 0x4000000 67108864

Modification of non-sensitive data

Token flag: 0x400(1024)

Access right name Access right flag HEX Access right flag DEC
Rename item 0x10 16
Manage custom fields 0x40 64
Edit not mentioned properties 0x80 128
Change icon 0x100 256
Edit attached files 0x8000 32768
Units and unit groups
Register events 0x2000000 33554432
Create, edit, and delete commands 0x800000000 34359738368
Add or remove units from retranslator, change their UIDs 0x200000 2097152
Resources (Accounts)
Create, edit, and delete POIs 0x800000 8388608
Create, edit, and delete geofences 0x2000000 33554432

Modification of sensitive data

Token flag: 0x800(2048)

Access right name Access right flag HEX Access right flag DEC
Manage access to this item 0x4 4
Units and unit groups
Create, edit, and delete service intervals 0x20000000 536870912
Edit trip detector and fuel consumption 0x4000000000 274877906944
Manage user`s access rights 0x100000 1048576
Change flags for given user 0x400000 4194304
Edit retranslator properties including start/stop 0x100000 1048576
Resources (Accounts)
Create, edit, and delete notifications 0x200000 2097152
Create, edit, and delete jobs 0x8000000 134217728
Create, edit, and delete report templates 0x20000000 536870912
Create, edit, and delete drivers and drivergroups 0x80000000 2147483648
Create, edit, and delete trailers and trailer groups 0x200000000000 35184372088832

Modification of critical data, including messages deletion

Token flag: 0x1000(4096)

Access right name Access right flag HEX Access right flag DEC
Delete item 0x8 8
Manage item log 0x800 2048
View administrative fields 0x1000 4096
Edit administrative fields 0x2000 8192
Units and unit groups
Edit connectivity settings (device type, UID, phone, access password, messages filter) 0x100000 1048576
Create, edit, and delete sensors 0x200000 2097152
Edit counters 0x400000 4194304
Delete messages 0x800000 8388608
Import messages 0x40000000 1073741824
Export messages 0x80000000 2147483648


Token flag: 0x2000(8192)

Access right name Access right flag HEX Access right flag DEC
Units and unit groups
Execute commands 0x1000000 16777216

Unlimited operation as authorizated user

Token flag: -1

Access right name Access right flag HEX Access right flag DEC
Edit ACL propagated items 0x400 1024
Units and unit groups
View routes 0x4000000 67108864
Create, edit, delete routes 0x8000000 134217728
View events 0x1000000000 68719476736
Create, edit, and delete events 0x2000000000 137438953472
Use unit in jobs, notifications, routes, retranslators 0x8000000000 549755813888
Resources (Accounts)
Manage account 0x100000000 4294967296

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