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Get nested rows

To get nested rows of next level, use the command report/get_result_subrows:


:!: You can find an example of this request in the sample Reports.


Name Description
tableIndex table index
rowIndex row index


		"i1":<uint>,	/* number of first message in specified interval */
		"i2":<uint>,	/* number of last message in specified interval */
		"t1":<uint>,	/* time of first message in specified interval */
		"t2":<uint>,	/* time of last message in specified interval */
		"c":[		/* cells array */
			<text>,		/* text value of cell */
			{		/* or object */
				"t":<text>,	/* cell value */
				"y":<double>,	/* latitude */
				"x":<double>	/* longitude */

If the specified row doesn't contain any nested rows, then the format of the response will be:

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