
This interface contains the description of units.

Method/Property Parameter Return Value Description
Name (property)BSTR* Name To get unit name.
GUID (property)BSTR* GUID To get unit GUID (global unique identifier).
ID (property)long long* ID To get unit local ID.
IDU (property)int* ID The analogue of the function ID compatible with applications which do not support 64-bit integer numbers. Not available in 64-bit version.
Phone (property)BSTR* Phone To get the phone number of the SIM card installed on a unit.
LastPosition (property)IWialonUnitMsg **LastPos To get the latest message from the unit with its location.
GetMessages (method)unsigned From,
unsigned To
IWialonCollection **MsgCol To get the collection of messages for the given period. The time is indicated in UNIX format, that is in seconds beginning from the 1st of January 1970. It is required to check each return value to be in existence (Not Nothing) or check return result (Error). To speed up server work, it is recommended to inquire messages for up to 30 days.
GetMessagesU (method)int From, int ToIWialonCollection **MsgCol The analogue of the function GetMessages compatible with applications which do not support 64-bit integer numbers. Not available in 64-bit version.
GetLastError (method)BSTR* ErrorTo get the latest error from Wialon.
ResolveLocations (method) BOOL ResolveLocationsFlag Set the option to define location by coordinates when getting message. If the option is on, it considerably enlarges time to get messages.
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