
In the previous sample, we've created, edited, and deleted a unit. Units (like users, retranslators, unit groups etc.) are independent items. However, there are sub-items in Wialon which exist as a part of an independent item. For instance, a resource can have such sub-items like geofences, notifications, jobs, POIs, drivers etc.

Standard operations with sub-items a bit differ from those with independent items. In this example, we'll examine creating, editing and deleting a POI as a sub-item of a resource.

Creating POI

Let's create a POI using the request resource/update_poi:



[1, {
    "id": 1,
    "n": "gurtam",
    "y": 53.9106993703,
    "x": 27.5166433228,
    "t": 0,
    "i": 6515,
    "e": 16516

Editing POI

Now let's change the name and radius of the new POI:

		"n":"gurtam_office", 		/* меняем "gurtam" на "gurtam_office" */
		"r":50,				/* меняем 100 на 50 */


[1, {
    "id": 1,
    "n": "gurtam_office",
    "y": 53.9106993703,
    "x": 27.5166433228,
    "t": 0,
    "i": 6515,
    "e": 12605

You can check how changes have been applied by making search request.

Deleting POI

To delete a POI, use the request update_poi:



[1, null]
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