Load messages for interval

To load messages for some interval, use the command messages/load_interval:


:!: You can find an example of this request in the sample Messages.


Name Description
itemId unit ID
type interval type (see below)
ival1 interval beginning
ival2 interval end
flags flags for loading messages (see Data format: Messages)
flagsMask маска
loadLocations загружать местоположение: 0 - нет, 1 - да
loadCount how many messages to load (0xffffffff - all found)

Interval types:

  • 1:
    ival1 - interval beginning value (or 0)
    ival2 - interval end value (or 0)
  • 2:
    ival1 - quantity of messages which will be fetched from the very beggining or from time pointed in parameter ival2
  • 3:
    ival1 - quantity of messages which will be fetched to end or to time pointed in parameter ival2


Value Description
0x0F mask that determines type of event message
0xF0 mask that determines type of maintenance event message
0xFF00 message flags mask determining message type


	"count":<uint>,				/* messages count */
	"messages":[				/* array of messages */

You can find message formats in the chapter Data format: Messages.

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