Export of items search result as xlsx

To export items search results as xlsx, us command core/export_file:

			    "flags":<long> /* columns flags */ 

:!: Description of other params you can see on page Search items by property


Value Description
For “itemsType” “user”
0x0001 Name
0x0002 Creator
0x0004 Account
0x0008 Billing plan
0x0010 Last visit
For “itemsType” “avl_unit”
0x0001 Name
0x0002 Creator
0x0004 Account
0x0008 Device type
0x0010 UID
0x0020 Phone
0x0040 Last message
0x0080 Created
0x0100 Custom fields
0x0200 Groups
0x0400 Deactivation
For “itemsType” “avl_unit_group”
0x0001 Name
0x0002 Creator
0x0004 Account
0x0008 Units
For “itemsType” “avl_resource”
0x0001 Name
0x0002 Creator
0x0004 Parent account
0x0008 Billing plan
0x0010 Dealer rights
0x0020 Units
0x0040 Balance
0x0080 Days
0x0100 Status
0x0200 Blocked
For “itemsType” “avl_retranslator”
0x0001 Name
0x0002 Creator
0x0004 Account
0x0008 Protocol
0x0010 Server
0x0020 State
0x0040 Units for retranslation
0x0080 Unit unique ID


Returns .xlsx file.

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