Create retranslator

To create a new retranslator, use the command core/create_retranslator:



Name Description
creatorId ID of a user who will be assigned a creator for a new retranslator
name new retranslator name (at least 4 characters)
config retranslator configuration
protocol protocol ID (see Retranslators: Update configuration)
server retranslation server
port port (for all protocols except NIS)
auth authorization (only for NIS and Wialon IPS protocols)
ssl use SSL (for NIS): 0 - no, 1 - yes
debug use debug mode: 0 - no, 1 - yes
v6type use protocol ver.6 (only for Granit Navigator): 0 - no, 1 - yes
attach_sensors retranslate calculated sensor values
(for для Wialon IPS & Wialon Retranslator): 0 - no, 1 - yes (optional)
dataFlags data flags for the response (see Data format: Retranslators)

Additional parameters depending on the selected protocol

Protocol Additional parameters
SCOUT scoutOpen
EGTS или EGTS v2 notauth, timeoutauth, didauth, fuel
TransNavi или TransNavi v2 binauth
RTTI или RTTI v2 carrier
Almaks client_id, client_secret, company_key, batch_size
APAD GPS api_key
Blac Solutions IQER или navpoint username, password
Maqsat Retranslator или SOAP v2 login, password, “Send all messages”, “Send Alt,Head,Sats”
SOAP login, password
Redbus acc_key
Sukarne user, password
tmSuite api_key, timezone
Unitrack username, password, token
MQTT topic, username, password
Cargomove Retranslator prefix
Johor Port Retranslator/Malaysian Palm Oil Board UDP/Malaysian Palm Oil Board UDP ver.2 company


	"item":{	/* retranslator created */
	"flags":<uint>	/* applied data flags */

You can find the format of “item” in the chapter Data format: Retranslators.

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