Coordinates: Intelligent search

To get coordinates by specified address formulated in unconditioned form, use the request:{host}/gis_searchintelli?phrase=<text>&count=<uint>&

Note: {host} is usually
:!: You can find an example of this request in the sample Address and coordinates detection.


Name Description
phrase searching phrase
count output results count
indexFrom sequence number of the first result (optional)
uid current user ID


				"name":<text>,		/* name of searching item */
				"map":<text>,		/* map name */
				"x":<double>,		/* longitude */
				"y":<double>,		/* latitude */
				"path":<text>,		/* part of address path, excluding part which placed in "name" */
				"formatted_path":<text>	/* formatted according to flags address string */
		"country":<text>,	/* country */
		"region":<text>,	/* region */
		"city":<text>,		/* city */
		"street":<text>,	/* street */
		"house":<text>,		/* house */
		"flags":<uint>,		/* flags */
		"more":<uint>		/* some more results: 0 - no, 1 - yes */

Flags that shows on which detalization level result was found:

Flag Description
0x0 country
0x1 region
0x2 city
0x3 street
0x4 house
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