Custom FTP settings

To update custom FTP settings, use command item/update_ftp_property:

				     "host": <text>,


Name Description
itemId resource ID
host FTP URL
login FTP login
pass FTP password
path directory path
check valid FTP settings: 1-yes(default), 0-no
hostingFtp send data to Wialon Hosting FTP: 1 - yes, 0 - no

:!: To send data to custom FTP - “hostingFtp” must be 0, check - 1.


   "hs":<text>,	/* FTP URL */  
   "lg":<text>,	/* FTP login */  
   "pt":<text>,	/* directory path */  
   "ch":<uint>,	/* valid FTP settings */  
   "tp":<uint>	/* send data to Wialon Hosting FTP */  
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