Command disabled: backlink

Get rows in multilevel reports

To get rows in multilevel reports, use the command report/select_result_rows:


:!: You can find an example of this request in the sample Reports.


Name Description
tableIndex table index
config configuration
type request type:
range - ordered sequence of rows;
row - row
data data for configuration

If the parameter type is set as range, then data has the following format:



  • from - first row index;
  • to - last row index;
  • level - nesting level;
  • flat - show nesting levels on a level with parent: 0 - no, 1 - yes (optional parameter, default - 0);
  • rawValues - show parameters v, vt: 0 - no, 1 - yes (optional parameter, default - 0).

If the parameter type is set as row, then data has the following format:



  • rows - row index (you can indicate the index of a nested row up to the next-to-last nesting level);
  • level - nesting level;
  • flat - show nesting levels on a level with parent: 0 - no, 1 - yes (optional parameter, default - 0);
  • from - index of first nested row (optional parameter);
  • to - index of last nested row (optional parameter).


		"n":<uint>,	/* row index (from 0) */
		"i1":<uint>,	/* number of first message in specified interval */
		"i2":<uint>,	/* number of last message in specified interval */
		"t1":<uint>,	/* time of first message in specified interval */
		"t2":<uint>,	/* time of last message in specified interval */
		"d":<int>,	/* quantity of rows with next nesting level */
		"c":[		/* cells array */
			<text>,		/* text value of cell */
			{		/* or object */
				"t":<text>,	/* formatted cell value */
				"v":<double>,	/* original cell value */
				"vt":<double>,	/* value type */
				"pi": {	/* property items */
					"t":<text>,	/* property items type */
					"ids": [ 	/* property items ID's array */	
				"y":<double>,	/* latitude */
				"x":<double>	/* longitude */
		"r":[		/* holds subrows which corresponds to requested nesting level */
			{		/* set of fields will be the same as parent row has */

:!: Value types described in this article.

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