Detailed information about account

To get detailed information about an account use this the command account/get_account_data signature:


or the 2nd signature for some accounts:



Name Description
itemId resource(account) ID
type response flag, optional

Types of response:

  • 1 – minimal information, usually required to estimate the state of logged user;
  • 2 – detailed information with combined, personal and billing plan settings.
  • 4 – excludes child accounts consumption from usage (this information should be for the current account only).


Response for the 1st singanure:

	"parentAccountName":<text>, /* parent account name */
	"parentAccountId":<long>,   /* parent account id */
	"parentEnabled":<bool>,	    /* parent account is: 1 - available, 0 - blocked */
	"plan":<text>,		/* billing plan name */
	"enabled":<int>,	/* state: 0 - blocked, 1 - active */
	"flags":<uint>,		/* flags - duplicates flags from "billing plan settings" */
	"created":<unit>,	/* account creation time, UNIX-time */
	"balance":<text>,	/* balance (with currency) */
	"daysCounter":<uint>,	/* days counter */
		"balance":<double>,	/* balance */
		"plan":{		/* billing plan settings */
			"flags":<uint>,		/* billing plan flags (see below) */
			"blockBalance":<int>,	/* block balance */
			"denyBalance":<int>,	/* deny balance */
			"minDaysCounter":<int>,	/* minimum days counter */
			"historyPeriod":<uint>,	/* history period to store messages, in days (if 0 - unlimited) */
			"services":{		/* services list */
				<text>:{		/* name */
					"type":<int>,		/* type: 1 - on demand; 2 - periodic */
					"usage":<uint>,		/* count of active resources of current service */
					"maxUsage":<int>,	/* maximal resources count */
					"cost":<text>,		/* cost table */
					"interval":<int>	/* interval: 0 - none, 1 - hourly, 2 - daily, 3 - weekly, 4 - monthly*/
		"personal":{		/* account (personal) settings */
			...			/* has the same format as billing plan settings */
		"combined":{		/* combined settings(overlapping of billing plan and account settings) */
			...			/* has the same format as billing plan settings */
			"<service_name>":"<dns_name>",		/* where key is service name and value is dns-name */
	"managable":<int>,	/* allow to manage current account: 1 - yes, 0 - no */
	"dealerRights":<int>,	/* allow using dealer rights for current billing plan: 0 - no, 1 - yes */
	"subPlans":[<text>]	/* array of subplans */

Response for the 2nd signature:

    "<account_id1>": {  /* requested account id */
        ...                 /* account information (see above) */
    "<account_id2>": {  /* requested account id */
        ...                 /* account information (see above) */

Account flags

Flag Description
0x01 block users, if the balance is less than block balance
0x02 forbid to login to the system and stop account functioning if the balance is less than deny balance
0x20 every day decrease the days counter value, and block account when remained days value reaches the minimum value

Services list:

Service Type Description
avl_resource periodic Activates the Accounts panel in CMS Manager; defines quantity and cost of resources and accounts.
avl_retranslator periodic Activates the corresponding panel in CMS Manager and defines allowed quantity and cost of retranslators.
avl_route periodic Activates Routes module – enables the Routes panel and associated reports and notifications.
avl_unit periodic Activates the corresponding panel and defines cost and quantity of units.
avl_unit_group periodic Activates the corresponding panel and defines cost and quantity of unit groups.
cms_manager on demand Access to CMS Manager.
create_units on demand Activates the button to create units on the corresponding panel.
create_users on demand Activates the button to create users on the corresponding panel.
create_unit_groups on demand Activates the button to create unit groups on the corresponding panel.
create_resources on demand Activates the button to create resources and accounts on the corresponding panel (in CMS Manager only).
custom_fields periodic Activates the corresponding tab in the properties of unit, user or group; defines cost and quantity (summarized, by objects of different types) of custom fields; does not affect drivers and trailers.
custom_reports on demand The possibility to use advanced reports i.e. reports unit groups, users, drivers, trailers as well as groups of drivers and trailers (except the Log table for users and unit groups). Works within Reports module.
drivers periodic Activates Drivers module and defines cost and quantity of drivers; if disabled, the Drivers panel in not shown, and any mention of drivers disappears from notifications, user settings, and SMS dialog.
driver_groups periodic Defines quantity and cost of driver groups; works within Drivers module.
email_notification on demand The possibility to send notifications by e-mail. Recommended limitation – 10 reports in an hour (to not to overload the server).
email_report on demand The possibility to send a report by e-mail (within the Jobs module). Recommended limitation – 10 reports in an hour (to avoid server overload).
google_service on demand Activates google services
import_export on demand Activates import/export features on monitoring site.
jobs periodic Activates the Jobs panel and defines cost and allowed quantity of jobs.
locator on demand Activates “Locator” menu in user menu
messages on demand Access to the Messages panel.
net_access on demand Authorization through service connector (Pro Client).
notifications periodic Activates the Notifications panel and defines cost and allowed quantity of notifications.
orders periodic Orders
order_routes periodic Create orders routes (Logistics)
pois periodic Activates the POI panel and defines cost and allowed quantity of POIs.
reports on demand Activates Reports module and defines cost and allowed quantity of report templates; if disabled, associated jobs and notifications disappear and trip detector cannot be used.
retranslator_units periodic Defines available unit count attached to activated retranslators.
rounds periodic Defines the count of allowed rounds and their cost (within Routes module).
route_schedules periodic Defines the count of allowed schedules and their cost (within Routes module).
sdk on demand Access to Apps
service_intervals periodic Defines cost and quantity of service intervals; if activated, the Service Intervals tab appears in the Unit Properties dialog, maintenance can be registered in the Monitoring panel, and corresponding notifications and reports appear.
seasonal_units periodic Unit deactivation
sms on demand Count and cost of SMS messages.
tacho on demand Activates 'Driver activity' and 'Infringements' tables in reports on drivers.
storage_user periodic Activates the corresponding panel and defines cost and quantity of users.
trailers periodic Activates the Trailers panel and defines cost and quantity of trailers.
trailer_groups periodic Defines quantity and cost of trailers; works within Trailers module.
unit_commands periodic Activates the corresponding tab in the Unit Properties dialog; defines the quantity (all units in sum) and cost of commands.
unit_sensors periodic Defines the count of sensors (calculated for all units in overall) and their cost.
user_notifications periodic Possibility to receive notices from the administrator of the service.
wialon_activex on demand Remote access to the system via SDK, ActiveX.
wialon_mobile on demand The possibility to track unit from a mobile phone.
wialon_mobile2 on demand Access to Wialon Mobile v2 (doesn't work without wialon_mobile service).
wialon_sdk on demand Remote access to the system via SDK.
zones_library periodic Activates Geofences module and defines cost and quantity of geofences; if disabled, the Geofences panel in not shown, and any mention of geofences disappears from reports and user settings.
zone_groups periodic Activates group of geofences
AgroService Type Description
agroplots periodic Plots
agroplotgroups periodic Groups of Plots
agrocrops periodic Crops
agromachines periodic Machines
agroequipments periodic Equipments
agrocultivationtypes periodic Cultivation types
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