Geofences: detailed information

To get detailed information about specified geofences, use the command resource/get_zone_data:



Name Description Comments
itemId resource ID
col array of geofences IDs
flags flags, that determine format
of result JSON
by default 0x1С


Значение Описание
0x01 area
0X02 perimeter
0X04 boundary and center points
0X08 all points
0X10 basic properties


[		/* array with geofences data */
		"n":<text>,	/* geofence name*/
		"d":<text>,	/* description */
		"id":<long>,	/* zone id inside resource/account zone array  */
		"rid":<long>,	/* resource/account id */
		"t":<byte>,	/* type: 1 - line, 2 - polygon, 3 - circle */
		"w":<uint>,	/* line thickness or circle radius */
		"f":<uint>,	/* geofence flags (see below) */
		"c":<uint>,	/* color (ARGB) */
		"b":{		/* boundary */
			"min_x":<double>,	/* minimal longitude */
			"min_y":<double>,	/* minimal latitude */
			"max_x":<double>,	/* maximal longitude */
			"max_y":<double>,	/* maximal latitude */
			"cen_x":<double>,	/* longitude of center  */
			"cen_y":<double>	/* latitude of center */
		"p":[		/* array of geofence points */
				"x":<double>,	/* longitude */
				"y":<double>,	/* latitude */
				"r":<uint>	/* radius */
		"ct":<uint>,    /* creation time */  
		"mt":<uint>     /* last modification time */

Geofence flags:

  • 0x1 – address source;
  • 0x2 – ride beginning;
  • 0x4 – ride end.
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