Get item info by coordinates

To get information about any item on a graphic layer by its coordinates, use the request:



Name Description
sid session ID
lat latitude
lon longitude
scale zoom: 0-17 (optional)
radius search radius in degrees (like coordinates)
layerName layer name (optional)

:!: For markers (POIs): to get marker information please define POI icon coordinates and any radius.

:!: For geofences and circle-shaped markers (POIs): to get such object information please define coordinates within its shape and any radius.


For messages:

	"type":"msg",		/* result type */
	"currMsg":{		/* current message */
	"prevMsg":{		/* previous message */
	"msgIndex":<uint>,	/* index of current message */
	"unitId":<long>,	/* unit ID */
	"mileage":<double>,	/* mileage */
	"layerName":<text>	/* layer name */

Formats of current and previous messages are described in the chapter Data format: Message with data.

For markers:

	"type":"marker",	/* result type */
	"lat":<double>,		/* latitude */
	"lon":<double>,		/* longitude */
	"info":[{}],		/* information about the marker: depends on marker type */		
	"layerName":<text>,	/* layer name */
	"marker":<text>		/* additional information about the marker if exists */

For geofences:

	"type":"shape",		/* result type */
	"lat":<double>,		/* latitude */
	"lon":<double>,		/* longitude */
	"layerName":<text>,	/* layer name */
	"shape":<text>		/* information about the geofence, for example name */
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