Edit modem

In order to edit modem please use the following command:



Param Description Value
id modem id mandatory
n modem name mandatory
ph phone number mandatory
cfg config object mandatory
ri restart interval(sec)
on default: 60
pr priority:
range: (0, 255),
on default: 50
pd preferred
f modem flags
un units array
bp billing plans array

Возвращаемый результат

	"id": <long>,	/* modem id */
	"n": <text>,	/* name */
	"ph": <text>,	/* phone number */
	"ri": <uint>,	/* restart interval */
	"pr": <byte>,	/* priority */
	"pd": <text>,	/* preferred destinations */
	"f": <uint>,	/* modem flags */
	"e": <bool>.	/* state: 0 - off, 1 - on */
			"addon_cmds": <text>,		/* Additional initialization AT commands */
			"baudrate": <text>,		/* port speed */
			"data_only": <text>,		/* Use 8-bit encoding only */
			"factory": <text>,		/* modem type */
			"log_facility": <text>,		/* log file path */
			"phones_filter": <text>,	/* phones mask */
			"port": <text>,			/* serial port */
			"sms_retry_count": <text>,	/* SMS retry count */
			"smssc": <text>			/* SMS service center */
	"un": [
		<long>,		/* unit id */
	"bp": [
		<long>,		/* billing plan id */
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