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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Wialon Playground — Account Tree</title> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <div id='tree-view'></div> <hr> <div id='log'></div> </body> </html>
p { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #tree-view p > span { cursor: pointer; } #tree-view .tree-view-not-expandable > p > span { cursor: auto; } #tree-view .tree-view-expandable { margin-bottom: 0.3em; }
/* * Visualize account hierarchy via account_tree dynamic report * * Implementation: * * 1. Load library 'resourceReports' by: * * var session = wialon.core.Session.getInstance(); * session.loadLibrary('resourceReports'); * * 2. Subscribe for resource list with billing properties: * * var resourceFlags = wialon.item.Item.dataFlag.base | wialon.item.Resource.dataFlag.billingProps; * * session.updateDataFlags([ * {type: 'type', data: 'avl_resource', flags: resourceFlags, mode: 0} * ], callback); * * 3. After receiving resources, filter them to get only such resources that is accounts: * * resources = resources.filter(function(resource) { * return resource.getAccountId() === resource.getId(); * }); * * Accounts have same id and accountId. * * 4. Exec dynamic report on some of that resources with the resource id as object id: * * resource.execReport( * template, // JSON of dynamic report template * resource.getId(), * 0, // secondary id, must be 0 * {from: 0, to: 0, flags: 0}, // interval, not needed for account_tree table * callback * ); * * 5. Call .selectRows on received report to get rows. API format: * * */ // Token that will be used for auth // For more info about how to generate token check // var TOKEN = '5dce19710a5e26ab8b7b8986cb3c49e58C291791B7F0A7AEB8AFBFCEED7DC03BC48FF5F8'; // GUI component var treeView; // Print message to log function msg(text) { $("#log").prepend(text + "<br/>"); } // will be called after DOM is ready and we are successfully logged in function init() { var session = wialon.core.Session.getInstance(); session.loadLibrary('resourceReports'); // for reports var resourceFlags = wialon.item.Item.dataFlag.base | // required wialon.item.Item.dataFlag.billingProps; // to receive accountId session.updateDataFlags([ // request resources list {type: 'type', data: 'avl_resource', flags: resourceFlags , mode: 0} ], onResourcesLoad); function onResourcesLoad(error) { if (error) { msg(wialon.core.Errors.getErrorText(error)); return; } var resources = session.getItems('avl_resource'); // get only accounts resources = resources.filter(function(resource) { // if accountId = resourceId, then it is an account return resource.getAccountId() === resource.getId(); }); if (resources.length === 0) { msg('No accounts'); return; } var resource = null; resources.some(function(x) { // select resource associated with current account if (x.getId() === session.getCurrUser().getAccountId()) { resource = x; return true; } }); if (resource === null) { // impossible, but pick some resource = resources[0]; } // request of execution of dynamic report resource.execReport({ // dynamic report id: 0, // some name n: 'some', // type of object ct: 'avl_resource', // report parameters p: '', tbl: [{ // id of table n: "account_tree", // table label l: 'Account tree', // columns c: "type,name", // column names cl: "Type,Name", // statistics table columns/column names s: "", sl: "", // table parameters, described at // if we pass "group":"0" here, we will get plain list of type-object, and with grouping we will get tree p: '{"account_tree":{"types":"avl_account,avl_resource,user,avl_unit,avl_unit_group,avl_retranslator,avl_route","group":"1"}}', // for charts, we have no charts sch: { f1: 0, f2: 0, t1: 0, t2: 0, m: 0, y: 0, w: 0 }, // table flags, described at f: 0 }] }, resource.getId(), // Object id, in our case it is resource id 0, // secondary id (for example, driver id, but we don't need this now) {from: 0, to: 0, flags: 0}, // time interval, possible flags can be viewed at // for account_tree interval is ignored onReportResult); } } // callback for resource.execReport function onReportResult(error, report) { if (error) { msg(wialon.core.Errors.getErrorText(error)); return; } // we have only one table, so get first var accountTreeTable = report.getTables()[0]; // select rows of first level of nesting // first parameter is table id, second — config, format can be viewed at report.selectRows(0, { type: 'range', data: { from: 0, to: accountTreeTable.rows - 1, // inclusive level: 0 } }, function(error, rows) { if (error) { msg(wialon.core.Errors.getErrorText(error)); return; } // add result to the or tree view addRows(report, treeView, rows, []); }); } // recursive function, that gives item, result rows, level of nesting, // creates nodes from result, binding event listeners to load next data and so on function addRows(report, item, rows, path) { // hide GUI `loading...` label item.loaded(); rows.forEach(function(rowData, i) { // get object name or type, if no name (result have no name if there is level of nesting) var text = rowData.c[1]; if (text === '') text = rowData.c[0]; // d parameter contains level of child items, that can be retrieved by report/select_result_rows var isExpandable = rowData.d > 0, collapsedText, expandedText; // GUI stuff to show indicator of collapsed/expanded item and number of children if (isExpandable) { text += ' <span style="color: gray">(' + rowData.d + ')</span>'; collapsedText = '<span style="font-family: monospace"><b>[+]</b></span></b> ' + text; expandedText = '<span style="font-family: monospace"><b>[-]</b></span> ' + text; text = collapsedText; } // add new item var treeViewItem = item.addItem({ html: text, // adds specific CSS classes/toggles onclick event isExpandable: rowData.d > 0, // function that will be called at first expanding, if isExpandable, must call item.loaded(), when finished onFirstExpand: function() { // go to next nesting level var newPath = path.concat(i); // request new rows, when successfully done — add them to the tree doSelectSubRows(report, newPath, function(rows) { addRows(report, treeViewItem, rows, newPath); }); }, onCollapse: function() { treeViewItem.setHtml(collapsedText); }, onExpand: function() { treeViewItem.setHtml(expandedText); } }); }); } // just sugar to request nested report rows function doSelectSubRows(report, path, callback) { // format: report.selectRows(0, { type: 'row', data: { rows: path, level: 0 } }, function(error, rows) { if (error) { msg(wialon.core.Errors.getErrorText(error)); return; } callback(rows); }); } // GUI component for visualization of tree and handling lazy loading function TreeView(options) { var self = this; var rootEl = options.rootEl; /* * addItem(parent:Item - optional, { * html: String, * * isExpandable: Boolean, * * onFirstExpand: Function, * * onCollapse: Function, * onExpand: Function * }):Item */ this.addItem = function(parentItem, options) { // if no options — function was called with 1 argument, add to root node if (!options) return this.addItem(null, parentItem); // create item element DOM structure var el = $('<div class="tree-view-el">'), elP = $('<p>'), elSpan = $('<span>'), elChildren = $('<div>'); el.append(elP.append(elSpan.html(options.html))); el.append(elChildren); // add CSS classes if (options.isExpandable === true) { el.addClass('tree-view-expandable'); } else if (options.isExpandable === false) { el.addClass('tree-view-not-expandable'); } // add element to parent item or to the root if (parentItem) { parentItem.elChildren.append(el); el.css('margin-left', '1em'); } else { // addition to the root rootEl.append(el); } var shown = false, // undefined if not clicked, null if already loaded loadingEl = undefined; // if expandable, handle `click` event options.isExpandable && { // stop propagation to prevent click handling in parent elements event.stopPropagation(); // prevent subsequent clicks if (loadingEl) return; if (shown) { // collapse elChildren.hide(); // fire event options.onCollapse(); shown = false; } else { // expand if (loadingEl === undefined) { // indicate loading process loadingEl = $('<p>').text('Loading...') loadingEl.css('margin-left', '1em'); el.append(loadingEl); // fire event options.onFirstExpand(); }; // fire event options.onExpand(); shown = true; } }); // item api return { // internal elChildren: elChildren, // public methods loaded: function() { // hide loading label if (loadingEl) { loadingEl.remove(); loadingEl = null; } }, setHtml: function(html) { elSpan.html(html); }, addItem: function(options) { // add child item to the current return self.addItem(this, options); } }; }; // to unify root node api with child items api this.loaded = function() {}; } // execute when DOM is ready $(document).ready(function () { // create tree view component treeView = new TreeView({ rootEl: $('#tree-view') }); // init session wialon.core.Session.getInstance().initSession(""); // For more info about how to generate token check // // try to login wialon.core.Session.getInstance().loginToken(TOKEN, "", function (code) { // login callback // if error code - print error message if (code){ msg(wialon.core.Errors.getErrorText(code)); return; } msg("Logged successfully"); // when login suceed then run init() function init(); }); });
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