Table of Contents

Drivers: status

To check status of unit with binded driver, use command resource/driver_status:



Name Description
phoneNumber driver phone number
password mobile key
app app name for the generated token
fl optional flags (1 - return token, 2 - return status even if driver is not binded )


"drv":{		/* driver params */
    "rid":<uint>,   /* resource id */
    "id":<text>,    /* driver id */
    "nm":<text>}    /* driver name */
"un":{		/* unit params */
    "ftp":{ ... },
    "pos":{ ... },
    "lmsg":{ ... },
"uh":<text>,    /* encrypted device information (for WiaTag) */
"ul":<text>,    /* encrypted phone number */
"h":<text>      /* token */

:!: Parameters description and entry of "pos", "lmsg" you can find here: Units