Table of Contents

Get all rounds

To get information about rounds for a specified time interval, use the command route/get_all_rounds:



Name Description
itemId route ID
timeFrom interval beginning
timeTo interval end
fullJson response format: 1 - detailed information, 0 - short information


Short information:

	"actual":[	/* rounds with state "in progress" and "finished" */
	"history":[	/* rounds with status "history" */
	"virtual":[	/* rounds with status "waiting" */
			"time":<uint>,	/* beginning of round */
			"schedule":{	/* schedule */
				"id":<long>,	/* ID */
				"n":<text>,	/* name */
				"f":<uint>,	/* type */
				"tz":<uint>,	/* timezone */
				"cfg":{		/* custom configuration (example) */
					"autoName":	/* use automatically generated name:  0 - no, 1 - yes */
					"enabled":1,	/* auto create rounds for current schedule: 1 - enable, 0 - disable */
					"name":<text>,		/* round name */
					"roundFlags":<uint>,	/* round flags */
					"units":[<long>],	/* array of units IDs */
					"validityPeriod":<uint>	/* validity period */
				"tm":[		/* time of passing points */
						"at":<uint>,	/* arrival time */
						"ad":<uint>,	/* deviation from arrival time */
						"dt":<uint>,	/* departure time */
						"dd":<uint>	/* deviation from departure time */
					"f1":<uint>,	/* beginning of interval 1 */
					"f2":<uint>,	/* beginning of interval 2 */
					"t1":<uint>,	/* ending of interval 1 */
					"t2":<uint>,	/* ending of interval 2 */
					"m":<uint>,	/* days of month mask */
					"y":<uint>,	/* months mask */
					"w":<uint>	/* days of week mask */

Format of “actual” and “history” arrays is similar to one described in the chapter Load rounds for interval (short information).

Schedules types are described in the chapter Schedules: create, edit, delete.

Detailed information:

Detailed information has similar format as short information except the following: format of elements of “actual” and “history” arrays will be the same as one described in the chapter Round information.