Table of Contents

Upload tacho file

To upload tacho file to the server and get it parsed please use that resource/upload_tacho_file signature:


To bind uploaded file content to specified driver use that signature:



Param Description
itemId resource/account id
driverCode driver code
guid uploaded file identifier
outputFlag response flag:
1 - get ddd header;
2 - get activity
eventHash event name which will be gene-
rated after processing the data

:!: To bind file content to the driver do the following:

Request URL:<sid>
Request Method:POST
Content-Type:multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary5QlpCrB8XAgXVIdR

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="params"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="eventHash"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload_ddd"; filename="tacho_file.ddd"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream



Result from avl_evts response.

	"guid":<text>,	    /* uploaded file identifier */
	"parseResult": {      /* parse result */
		"an":<text>,                /* issue authority */
		"c":<text>,                 /* country */
		"dc":<text>,                /* driver code, 14 symbols */
		"dn":<text>,                /* driver name */
		"la":<long>,                /* last activity date */
		"ed":<long>,                /* expiry date */
		"fa":<long>,                /* first activity date */
		"id":<long>,                /* id */
		"vb":<long>,                /* validity begin */
		"vl": [<text>]              /* vehicle reg numbers */
		"activity":  {		  /* driver activity; shown if outputFlag:2 stated */
		    "Availability": {
				"a":<uint>,		/* driver action, it is used to sort into Availability, Break/Rest etc: 0 - break/rest, 1 - availability, 2 - work, 3 - driving */
				"cs":<uint>,		/* card status: 0 - inserted; 1 - not inserted */
				"s":<uint>,		/* driver slot: 0 - driver, 1 - co-driver */
				"st":<uint>,		/* driver status: 0 - single, 1 - crew */
				"t":<uint>		/* time */
		    "Break/Rest": {
		    "Driving": {
		    "Work": {