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en:sidebar:remoteapi:apiref:errors:errors [24/04/2018 15:29]
stan [Errors]
en:sidebar:remoteapi:apiref:errors:errors [15/05/2018 17:38]
stan [Errors]
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 | 1004 | Limit of messages has been exceeded | | 1004 | Limit of messages has been exceeded |
 | 1005 | Execution time has exceeded the limit | | 1005 | Execution time has exceeded the limit |
 +| 1006 | Exceeding the limit of attempts to enter a two-factor authorization code |
 | 1011 | Your IP has changed or session has expired | | 1011 | Your IP has changed or session has expired |
 | 2014 | Selected user is a creator for some system objects, thus this user cannot be bound to a new account | | 2014 | Selected user is a creator for some system objects, thus this user cannot be bound to a new account |
 | 2015 | Sensor deleting is forbidden because of using in another sensor or advanced properties of the unit | | 2015 | Sensor deleting is forbidden because of using in another sensor or advanced properties of the unit |
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