Table of Contents

Update configuration

To update retranslator configuration, use the command retranslator/update_config:



Name Description
itemId retranslator ID
config configuration
protocol protocol name (see below)
server server for retranslation
port port (for all except NIS)
v6type use protocol v.6 (only for Granit Navigator):
1 - yes, 0 - no
auth authorization (only for NIS and Wialon IPS)
attach_sensors retranslate calculated sensor values
(for для Wialon IPS & Wialon Retranslator)
1 - yes, 0 - no (optional)
ssl secure connection (for NIS):
1 - yes, 0 - no
login login
password password
notauth disable autorization (only for EGTS):
0 - no, 1 - yes


:!: Attention!
The set of parameters in the object config depends on protocol type.


		"port":<ushort>,	/* port (for all except NIS) */
		"protocol":<text>,	/* protocol */
		"server":<text>,	/* server for retranslation */
		"v6type":<text>,	/* protocol v.6 (only for Granit Navigator): 1 - yes, 0 - no */
		"auth":<text>,		/* authorization (only for NIS and Wialon IPS) */
		"ssl":<text>,		/* secure connection (for NIS): 1 - yes,  0 - no */
		"login":<text>,		/* login */
		"password":<text>,	/* password */
		"notauth":<int>		/* disable autorization (only for EGTS): 0 - no, 1 - yes */